Thursday, May 21, 2009

Post #9 - Final Cut Express

Hours: 9am to 4pm
7 hours
On this Wednesday, we had decided to try and string together our film. We believed we had enough footage and saw this as a perfect chance to learn how to use Final Cut Pro, but we soon found out we didn't even have Final Cut Pro. What we actually had was Final Cut Express, a much smaller and limited version of Final Cut. This was fine with us though. After hooking up the camera's we started uploading the clips to the computer. We soon found out that uploading all the tapes was going to take all day. So...we waited. During that time Raymond and I tried to plan how we would put the film together. We got to the second scene and got distracted. We still haven't made anymore progress on that. After that, we were still waiting for the clips to upload. We decided to leave and continue to upload the clips throughout the week.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Post #8 - Our Day With Gina

Hours: 9am - 4pm
7 hours
On our next WLE Wednesday we traveled around to multiple WLE's with Gina. She was checking on her advisee's WLE (part of the WLE requirement is our advisor seeing us performing our WLE). As the day started Raymond and I met Gina at the school. We promptly got into her orange Element and left to go meet Ati and Brittany at their WLE, but before we could get there we had to stop at Gina's house. Gina's cat was very nice. Too nice. Anyways, as we left her house, grabbed a ladder, and finally went to Ati and Brittany's WLE. Their WLE took place within a housing project and they helped with processing maitenence requests. We got some shots with them and a short interview with Ati before we moved onto the next WLE. I believe the next place we visited was Isis' and Jessica's WLE at the SPCA. When we tried to enter the main entrance to the building we were turned away. IT was closed for the day and we didn't know what to do. As we walked outside of the parking lot we saw Isis. She was taking some children to a puppy socialization camp, as she later put it. She couldn't stop to talk to us so we didn't know what to do. Gina called Jessica and after a few minutes of confusion, Jessica came to get us. She was on the other side of the building. After we had met al lthe animals within Jessica's work space, including Bear the Dog, we proceeded to interview Jessica on her WLE. After that Gina got to hold the Guinea Pig, and we discussed stories of Guinea Pig's biting fingers. We then got Gina, while still holding the animals, to give us a brief intro into what a WLE was. We planned to use this footage as a good opener. After this we left and tried to go to Jahlil and Ronnie's WLE, but when we got there we found they were not present. Then we went back to the school. Day over.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Post #7 - I'm on a boat

7 hours
For this day we decided to go film Marlena at her WLE on the Balclutha. After making our day down to Hyde Street Pier and taking a look at the Argonaut, where prom is going to be held, we tried to find Marlena. Marlena told us to look for a guy named "Tar Rush", who we couldn't find. Raymond and I wandered for a while, looking for people who looked like they would be called "Tar Rush", but to no avail. We didn't know what to do, until I thought to call Gina. Gina was kind enough to remind us we had forgotten to tell her where we were going to be for the day and then tell us the information we asked for. Apparently Marlena was working on the Balclutha. We found the ship, boarded and proceeded to look for our recordees. We eventually found them, in a closed off part of the ship, making a diddy bag(sailors work bag). There we proceeded to film the making of a diddy bag. During that time, "Tar Brush" (We found out it his name wasn't actually 'Tar Rush') explained to us the differences between ships, boats, etc. We then decided to take a rain check and come back another day, as the footage we wre getting was quite boring. We were given a tour of the ship and a few other points. Our camera died just at the beginning of our tour. After this we found our way off the boat and went to look at the Argonaut again. We then went to my house and reviewed all the footage we had taken.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Post #6 -Bike Coalition

12:00pm - 4:00pm
4 hours
Raymond and I met Kevin and Andrew Casteel at a restaurant. There we had some good Chinese food(I got Mango Beef which was the best I've had in a while) and discussed the day. Andrew had decided to tailor his whole day around our filming and was very helpful. We set out a loose schedule to follow and wrote down some specific scenes we wanted. Once that was done we talked about the our usual things: Being on boats, comics, bikes, etc.
The walk to Andrew's workplace was easy and only took five minutes. He works out of his own home for the BABC, The Bay Area Bike Coalition. Immediately when we got to his house, I realized how enormous it was. I had no idea how he could afford a house of this size with a teachers salary(his former job) and his new job for the BABC, which is a non-profit. He told us: "Hah, well my wife works too." And all we could say was "Woah". The house even had an elevator!
Anyways, the first thing we did was take and interview with both Kevin and Andrew. This was possibly the best quality interview we have had. It also had the most proffesional look of all our recordings. After that we tried to get Andrew making a business call, but were unsuccessful. Once that was done, we allowed and Andrew to get back to work and hung out with kevin in his own office. There he was translating BABC literature into Spanish and we got a good interview with just him.
At this point our camera battery died and we had to wait for it to charge. We hung out with Kevin for a while and when it was finally done, went outside to film Andrew and Kevin biking. It was a nice day and the lighting wasn't to bright. We got a few shots of them going down and around a hill next to Andrew's house and we got a few shots of some track stands.
After this we were basically done with our day and left.

Post #5 - The Boys and Girls Club

4 hours

Raymond and I were told by Ronnie and Jahlil that we could go and film their WLE at the Boys and Girls Club. Kevin had also tagged along with us that day because he didn't have a WLE that week. When we arrived, we found that Jahlil was not there yet so we waited around. After waiting for more than a half hour we decided to wonder around on Mission street. People were staring at us because we had the nice camera with us so we decided to interview random people. We asked, "What do you think of women's suffrage?" and "Do you know what womens Suffrage is?"
Sadly, most of the people we interviewed had no idea what womens suffrage is.
Anyways, after thats Jahlil and Ronnie finally showed up and we were introduced to Papa Joe. Papa Joe, who was Jahlil's mentor, was really happy to have us filming at the studio. We watched Jahlil and Ronnie learn to use all the sound equipment. After that we interviewed Papa Joe. Apparently as a kid, Joe had been in multiple bands and had, at one point, hung out with the members of Korn. He encouraged us to come back and bring in our own project to the studio. I told him of my band and he got even more excited and said that I should definitely come in and record with the band. As our interview with Papa Joe came to an end we said goodbye and left. Out on the street we could still hear the music playing from the studio.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Post #4 The Second Day

9:00am - 1:00pm
4 hours
At the start of the second day I set out to meet up with Raymond and Angelica at the corner of Florida and 24th. Whilst I waited I wonder around Mission and found some cool shops. Finally Angelica arrived, but we still had to wait for Raymond. While we waited we discussed the day. I was told that we would most likely not be filming her work that day an would only be talking with the principal. Finally Raymond arrived and we walked around the block to the school Apparently Angelica had attended the school when she was younger and still had a younger sibling attending there. We tlaked to the principal who told us that she would only allow Angelica to do 4 lessons, each only 1 hour long. She also said she would need to get approval from the Arch Diocese(its a Catholic School). At this point we all knew that this wasn't going to work so we decided to leave.
Angelica left us and RAymond and I were left with nothing to do. Deciding that we didn't want to waste our first real day out filming we called my father, who is letting Rachel Schwager-Datz intern at his restaurant. We got the okay, got a ride from my dad, and started filming. We filmed Rachels experience and what she had learned so far from her intership. We also interviewed her during her break. Raymond, acting as show host, joined in with Rachel for a while. When we were finished we thanked everyone and left.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Post #3 -The First WLE Experience

9:30am - 2:00pm
4.5 Hours Total

This week was the first time I had done a WLE since Junior year. It was startlingly different from my previous experience at the work place because the environment was very much the same as what I was used to five days a week. (i.e. School)
When I first arrived at the school I checked in with my co-mentor/WLE partner Angelica. She was writing the lesson plans for her art class so I decided to check out the camera(s) that I would be using to film the experience. So i went to the tech room and talked to my other mentor Brian (the technical coordinator for Metro). He showed me the Panasonic AG-DVC20p, which is an over-the-shoulder style camera. The video quality is quite an improvement from the mini-camcorders that I am used to using. While learning how to use the camera I decided to get some practice interviewing students. I talked to Ismael and asked him a few questions about his WLE: why he chose it, did he feel it was a possible career choice, etc. After i finished this I wanted to learn how to edit the footage I had just taken and started using iMovie '09. This verion of iMovie seems completely overly complicated and was completely beyond me. After a half hour of frustration I tired another program called Live. Live is a program that is mainly used for audio editing, but can also be used for video. I took one of the built in lesson and by that time I was finished. I left. Went home. And Slept.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Post #2 -If Only...

Ideally, I would have loved to Internship at an Equal Vision Records. Sadly, they're based out of Albany, New York so I don't think that would have worked. The label has had an impressive list of artist's including Converge, Bear vs. Shark, The Fall of Troy, Portugal. The Man, Chiodos, Coheed & Cambria, Circa Survive, and others. They are a label that supports the Hardcore genre of music. During my internship at Equal Vision I would have learned to record, mix, and master songs. I would have also met The Fall of Troy, Portugal. The Man, Converge, and Coheed & Cambria. Within the process I would have become good friends with all of the members of these bands and partied like crazy with them in Albany. During that time I would record a song for the Fall of Troy and get a drum lesson from Andrew Forsman. That would be the life. At the end of it all I would bring all of the above mentioned bands back to Metropolitan and have the most amazing concert ever. I would be the sound guy for half of the show and for the other half would be on stage with the bands and at one point play bass and/or drums with The Fall of Troy.

Post #1

My WLE mentor is Brian the technical coordinator at Metropolitan Arts & Technology High School(my school). The school is located at 400 Mansell Street. My WLE consists of making a documentary on the WLE experience. I will be traveling around to different WLEs and interviewing the students partaking in their WLE, their mentors, and any other person who has an opinion on the subject.

I got my WLE rather by chance. I had been looking for a WLE in Sound Design/Recording/Studios. I wanted to learn how to master my own tracks and hopefully record my own material using the skills I learned, but every place I contacted either didn't respond or wanted nothing to do with me. Most of them were looking for high school graduates who were working on degrees within the sound industry. I thought this was understandable, but I didn't give up...until the week before the WLE was supposed to start. I was tlaking about my predicament with my friends and actually lucked out. Angelica was looking fro someone to document her experience within her WLE. This gave me the idea to do the documentary and I'd be helping a friend out. Sweet.