Thursday, March 26, 2009

Post #7 - I'm on a boat

7 hours
For this day we decided to go film Marlena at her WLE on the Balclutha. After making our day down to Hyde Street Pier and taking a look at the Argonaut, where prom is going to be held, we tried to find Marlena. Marlena told us to look for a guy named "Tar Rush", who we couldn't find. Raymond and I wandered for a while, looking for people who looked like they would be called "Tar Rush", but to no avail. We didn't know what to do, until I thought to call Gina. Gina was kind enough to remind us we had forgotten to tell her where we were going to be for the day and then tell us the information we asked for. Apparently Marlena was working on the Balclutha. We found the ship, boarded and proceeded to look for our recordees. We eventually found them, in a closed off part of the ship, making a diddy bag(sailors work bag). There we proceeded to film the making of a diddy bag. During that time, "Tar Brush" (We found out it his name wasn't actually 'Tar Rush') explained to us the differences between ships, boats, etc. We then decided to take a rain check and come back another day, as the footage we wre getting was quite boring. We were given a tour of the ship and a few other points. Our camera died just at the beginning of our tour. After this we found our way off the boat and went to look at the Argonaut again. We then went to my house and reviewed all the footage we had taken.

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