Thursday, March 12, 2009

Post #4 The Second Day

9:00am - 1:00pm
4 hours
At the start of the second day I set out to meet up with Raymond and Angelica at the corner of Florida and 24th. Whilst I waited I wonder around Mission and found some cool shops. Finally Angelica arrived, but we still had to wait for Raymond. While we waited we discussed the day. I was told that we would most likely not be filming her work that day an would only be talking with the principal. Finally Raymond arrived and we walked around the block to the school Apparently Angelica had attended the school when she was younger and still had a younger sibling attending there. We tlaked to the principal who told us that she would only allow Angelica to do 4 lessons, each only 1 hour long. She also said she would need to get approval from the Arch Diocese(its a Catholic School). At this point we all knew that this wasn't going to work so we decided to leave.
Angelica left us and RAymond and I were left with nothing to do. Deciding that we didn't want to waste our first real day out filming we called my father, who is letting Rachel Schwager-Datz intern at his restaurant. We got the okay, got a ride from my dad, and started filming. We filmed Rachels experience and what she had learned so far from her intership. We also interviewed her during her break. Raymond, acting as show host, joined in with Rachel for a while. When we were finished we thanked everyone and left.

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