Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Post #5 - The Boys and Girls Club

4 hours

Raymond and I were told by Ronnie and Jahlil that we could go and film their WLE at the Boys and Girls Club. Kevin had also tagged along with us that day because he didn't have a WLE that week. When we arrived, we found that Jahlil was not there yet so we waited around. After waiting for more than a half hour we decided to wonder around on Mission street. People were staring at us because we had the nice camera with us so we decided to interview random people. We asked, "What do you think of women's suffrage?" and "Do you know what womens Suffrage is?"
Sadly, most of the people we interviewed had no idea what womens suffrage is.
Anyways, after thats Jahlil and Ronnie finally showed up and we were introduced to Papa Joe. Papa Joe, who was Jahlil's mentor, was really happy to have us filming at the studio. We watched Jahlil and Ronnie learn to use all the sound equipment. After that we interviewed Papa Joe. Apparently as a kid, Joe had been in multiple bands and had, at one point, hung out with the members of Korn. He encouraged us to come back and bring in our own project to the studio. I told him of my band and he got even more excited and said that I should definitely come in and record with the band. As our interview with Papa Joe came to an end we said goodbye and left. Out on the street we could still hear the music playing from the studio.

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