Saturday, February 28, 2009

Post #3 -The First WLE Experience

9:30am - 2:00pm
4.5 Hours Total

This week was the first time I had done a WLE since Junior year. It was startlingly different from my previous experience at the work place because the environment was very much the same as what I was used to five days a week. (i.e. School)
When I first arrived at the school I checked in with my co-mentor/WLE partner Angelica. She was writing the lesson plans for her art class so I decided to check out the camera(s) that I would be using to film the experience. So i went to the tech room and talked to my other mentor Brian (the technical coordinator for Metro). He showed me the Panasonic AG-DVC20p, which is an over-the-shoulder style camera. The video quality is quite an improvement from the mini-camcorders that I am used to using. While learning how to use the camera I decided to get some practice interviewing students. I talked to Ismael and asked him a few questions about his WLE: why he chose it, did he feel it was a possible career choice, etc. After i finished this I wanted to learn how to edit the footage I had just taken and started using iMovie '09. This verion of iMovie seems completely overly complicated and was completely beyond me. After a half hour of frustration I tired another program called Live. Live is a program that is mainly used for audio editing, but can also be used for video. I took one of the built in lesson and by that time I was finished. I left. Went home. And Slept.

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