Thursday, May 21, 2009

Post #9 - Final Cut Express

Hours: 9am to 4pm
7 hours
On this Wednesday, we had decided to try and string together our film. We believed we had enough footage and saw this as a perfect chance to learn how to use Final Cut Pro, but we soon found out we didn't even have Final Cut Pro. What we actually had was Final Cut Express, a much smaller and limited version of Final Cut. This was fine with us though. After hooking up the camera's we started uploading the clips to the computer. We soon found out that uploading all the tapes was going to take all day. So...we waited. During that time Raymond and I tried to plan how we would put the film together. We got to the second scene and got distracted. We still haven't made anymore progress on that. After that, we were still waiting for the clips to upload. We decided to leave and continue to upload the clips throughout the week.

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